Define the shape of the heart you just created by giving it a nice sharp pointed tip, and a swoop at the top for the notch where the stem will go.
Next and lastly, draw in the hook like stem, then finish off the heart in the back of the stem like you see here. Erase the mistakes if you made any.
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July 14, 2012
Description: This is just a quick drawing of a cherry style heart tattoo design that I wanted to create for someone that asked me to. It's a very simple shape of a heart with a hook style stem to make it look like a cherry. You can add any type of additions you may like to liven up the drawing. I decided that I would only draw a cherry heart in a very simple and plain way so that the artists who tackled this lesson, can tweak it to their specifications. It's always nice to let your creativity flow, so how about showing folks how you can turn something simple, into something amazing. Upload your finished work of your cherry heart in a whole new way. I'm sure you can conjure up something nice.