How to Draw a Shattered Heart, Glass Heart

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The first thing you need to do is decide what type of heart shape you would like to be in your drawing. Once you figured that out, draw the heart, but leave an open crack on the side. This is where there is a piece of glass missing which is why the h   


Next, draw in the fluid line like so, and be sure to draw the liquid on an angle because the blood is spilling out from the tilted heart. Draw the blood that is spilling just by making some simple large once pieced drip shapes.


Next and lastly, draw in the cracks which makes the heart shattered in appearance. Of course you can tweak this part if you like. I know shattered can also look like a disfigured glass heart with pieces missing and falling to the ground.


Here is the finished concept when you are done. Color in your heart to complete the drawing.

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June 29, 2012

Description: This is one of my favorite drawings of the night. I came up with the idea for this heart concept when someone made a request on my Facebook. They asked if I could make a tutorial on "how to draw a shattered heart", so I thought about it, and finally decided yeah, that should be fun. The only problem I ran into when I was starting the sketch is figuring out a way to come up with a glass looking heart that appeared to be shattered. After looking at some cool reference pictures for ideas, I came up with one. I chose to draw a simple shaped heart with a hole on the side. You can tell the heart is glass because you can see the bloody fluid on the inside as it's pouring out from the heart. The blood is spilling out because all of the love that was once there, has been shattered and is now leaving. The heart will eventually heal, and when it does it will fill up again with new love. I adore drawing these types of concept sketches because it keeps me entertained. I really appreciate the awesome ideas that has been coming through my station and I hope you guys keep the suggestions and requests coming pouring through. I have a lot of writing to do so I will shut up now so you folks can get busy with drawing a glass heart.

#how to draw hearts
1 - Super Cool
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