This is a full bodied princess so you will draw the head, torso and hip guides then sketch in the facial guidelines as well as the limb guides.
Next, define the shape of the cartoon princess' face, and then use the facial guidelines to draw the eyes, nose and mouth. Notice how the eyes are very catty.
Cap off the head by drawing in the princess' hairstyle which is in a pretty, stylish bun. She also has bangs and some side ends that hang down the sides of her face.
We will draw the shoulders, then sketch the shawl that this princess is wearing on her shoulders. You will also need to add the jeweled button that closes the shawl or clasps it in the front.
Here we will draw the cartoon princess' arms and hands. Notice that the arms are also covered with sleeves.
Okay, proceed to draw in the waist, then draw the thick, long ribbon that is part of her shawl that is hanging on the right side of her body.
We will draw the hips and her legs. Don't draw the feet yet wait until the next step. For now, add the fluff at the ends of the pants and draw in the pleating. Draw a belly button and then proceed to step eight.
Lastly, draw in her leg and foot. Then draw the sandal and then erase your mistakes and guidelines/shapes.
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April 21, 2015
Description: Here is a fun and colorful lesson that will show you how to draw a cartoon princess, step by step. I wanted to do something cartoon related and since I was in the mood to do something pretty, I thought making and uploading a lesson on a cartoon princess would be something that a few folks would like to tackle. She has all the characteristics of a princess like her pretty face, the beautiful hair and the stylish expensive clothes. Anyways, I guess that's all I have to talk about. I'm sure almost everyone knows what a princess is and how they look. Have fun drawing a cartoon princess and I will be back soon with some really cool tuts.