How to Draw Rosalina

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Make a circle shape for her head and then add the facial guidelines. The next thing you're gonna want to do is draw the guidelines to make a stick body frame.


I said in the character description that drawing Rosalina was going to be easy. All you have to do here is draw out her pretty hairstyle which consists of a thick side bang, and a few up-curls on the sides of her head. When that is done sketch out he   


Finish drawing her hair in the back and then start working on getting her upper body drawn out. Start with the shoulders, and then draw her arms, sleeves, and hands. There is a jewel in the middle of her chest that you will also need to add. Her cuff   


For your last drawing step all you need to do is sketch out the bell shape of her dress, and then draw the eye on the right side, her small button nose, and her pouting lips. You are now ready to start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you d   


See how pretty Rosalina looks now that you are done drawing her out. It's now time to color her in to make her sparkle like a star. This was a fun lesson that I drew with you all, join me again for another exciting drawing tutorial.

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February 15, 2010

Description: Why not go for another female character from the Mario game series. Just a few days ago I submitted Princess Daisy and that was a hit with some members. I know a lot of you guys like the edgy, wicked tutorials that I usually upload on the site, and I just want you to know that I will get back to drawing in that type of style. But for now, how about a simple lesson that will teach you "how to draw Rosalina", step by step. This is another figure from the Mario series and she is one of the prettiest females that has a look of her own. Rosalina made her video game debut in “Super Mario Galaxy” which consisted of nine chapters. Each chapter had to be unlocked until the final stage of nine. She has shoulder length blond hair with green eyes. Her hair is styled with a chunk of a side bang hanging over the left side of her face covering her entire eye. On her head she wears a crown, filled with pink colored jewels. Rosalina wears a teal colored dress, star shaped earrings, and she is also usually holding a silver wand. The best part about Rosalina is her personality. She is has an old soul which makes her very wise, she is very kind, big hearted, and very motherly like. After her appearance in Super Mario Galaxy, she was a playable character in Mario Kart Wii. Drawing Rosalina is going to be very easy, fun, and colorful. For a human, she's kind of the best looking out of the bunch. Well that does it for this character description, I will be back with one more tutorial, and this time it's going to be on another sea creature. Peace out people and happy drawing!

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