Demon Princess Drawing, How to Draw

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Start with drawing the head shape guide and the body guidelines of your demon princess. This will help with adding the actual structure of the limbs and body.


Draw out the actual structure of the face and then draw the long straight hair. Th face should have a seductive menacing look. When you add the detailing to the hair, you can proceed to step three.


Before drawing the body I want you to first draw the swirl style horns that are medium in size. Once you get those angled horns drawn in, you can work on sketching the shoulder, arm and demon like hand. Don't forget the melted looking flesh and the l   




We will continue with the body by drawing the right shoulder, arm, torso and curvaceous figure. Sketch in the detailing to her gown by adding creases, wrinkles and folds. Define her arm as well.


For your last drawing step just draw in the devilish style tail, but with length and life. Sketch in those perfect sized breast, and add the same detailing to the right arm as you did with the left. When you are happy with your work, you can begin er   


When all is said and done, your Demon princess should look like the one you see here or similar to it. Just add some color to bring her to life.

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October 29, 2016

Description: So I think it's pretty clear that everyone knows Halloween is just a stone throw away which means I better hall ass and start uploading some pretty cool stuff if I want to keep folks interested in Dragoart. I will begin by doing a lesson on a princess, but not just any princess. This one doesn't have a fancy castle or diamonds and jewels. Instead, this Princess has an underground layer, beautiful scales as jewels and hand carved cave walls with eerie scenes to show the everyday life for beings that live in an underground dwelling full of all walks of life. This tutorial is going to show you how to draw a demon Princess step by step. She is beautiful, enchanting, evil and cruel. I do hope you enjoy the lesson, I really got into this drawing of a demon Princess.

#how to draw princesses #how to draw demons

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