How to Color Semi-realistic Drawings On the Computer


Here is my basic sketch. I used the watercolor tool (You can find this on most drawing programs). It's awfully nice and also really smooth and easy to use. My tool of choice!


I'm going to make another layer and then lay down some of the base colors. :)


(New layer) Now it's time to add some basic shading to the eyes.


Here is a really good time to zoom in close to the eyes and do some darker and more detailed shading. Also, eyelashes!!!!!


(New layer)Next, I'm going to add some shading to the face with the airbrush tool. (Back to the watercolor tool) Then I worked a little more on the lips and added highlights.


(New layer)Using several different shades of brown, I added some contrast to the hair.


(New overlay layer) I'm going to choose some pretty colors and use the airbrush tool. I like to always have this layer on overlay.


(New layer) Here is the last step! I just used the airbrush tool to make the picture kind of "fade out".

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May 31, 2014

Description: Hi! Wow! It's been a long time since I've made a tutorial! Well here's one on how to color your drawings on the computer. There's a LOT of ways to color and since I can't include everything, this is just one simple way I like to color my semi-realistic drawings. Hope it helps you! (Tools used: Wacom tablet, Clip Studio Paint) -hana123123123

#how to color
1 - Super Cool
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