Chinese New Year Dragon Drawing Lesson

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Let's get started. We will start with a simple circle and then draw the swirl guide line for the body like you see here.


Using the head guide, begin drawing the Chinese dragon head. Start with the snout and mouth, then draw in the rest of the face. When the structure is drawn, you can draw in the horns, teeth, mustache, and then the frills and tongue. Don't forget to d   


Okay guys, draw the body using the guideline you made in step one. The body is simple because it's just like drawing a snake. When the body shape is drawn in, you can draw the lower leg and foot.


Here you will draw the arms and talons or hand, then add the fiery tail tuft.


Finish off this Chinese New Year dragon by drawing the scales, and the rounded spiky frills down the back. Erase the mistakes and your guides.


Here is the line art. Now just have some good fun coloring in your Chinese New Year dragon.

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January 28, 2017

Description: Monday, February 8 marks the day that the Chinese New Year will be celebrated so today I will be showing you how to draw a Chinese New Year dragon, step by step. I love the way this dragon came out. It's not only so traditional looking, the pose and concept is very cool and is going to be simple to replicate. If you have never drawn dragons before, you might want to tackle a couple dragon tuts in the 'for kids' section or the ones titled 'easy'. You can also choose to practice drawing a Chinese dragon by selecting one of the many I have on the site. Anyways, have fun with this Chinese New Year dragon drawing lesson and I will ready my other tuts for you all so stick around.

#draw dragons #dragon drawing #how to draw chinese dragons #dragon drawings #easy dragon drawing

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