Draw a Dragon and Baby

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Get started by drawing the head and body shapes for both the mother dragon and her baby. When that is done you can draw the body guideline as well.


Up next, begin drawing the mother dragon's face. Start with the snout and then the chin. Make the mouth line and draw in some spiked horns on the chin along with the nostril. Add a closed eye and some of the head. Notice her head is laying tilted as    


Continue to work on mama dragon by drawing the neck, back and back legs. Draw in her ear and horn as well.


Add the top lining to her neck, and then proceed to step five when you feel like you have finished this step.


We will now begin to draw the sleeping baby dragon. Start with the head and face. When that is done draw in the baby dragon's body which is a whole lot smaller then mama dragon's body.


Here you will draw in the baby dragon's tail and then the closed wing.


Before we draw mama dragon's wings, you will need to draw in her hand or talon. Notice the claws or nails are super long, thick and sharp. I also drew the hand to look larger because it is the closest thing to the viewer.


Lastly, draw in the back lining and some of her tail, then draw the wings as they are folded in and resting on her back. Add detailing to the wings and then erase the guides and mistakes.


That's it, you are all done. Now you can have fun coloring in your two loving dragons. I hope you enjoyed this tut as much as I did making it.

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May 28, 2017

Description: Keep your pens/pencils in hand because you are about to embark on a lesson that will blow your mind away from cuteness. Since I haven't drawn any dragons in a long while, I thought I would come back strong and make a tutorial on how to draw a dragon and baby, step by step. What is more awesome then a baby dragon cuddling with its mother? I can not tell you how much I love the way this concept came out. Both the dragons are two of the best dragons I have drawn in a while. I also like the concept style as they are laying down on ground instead of being together in flight. Sometimes it's nice drawing dragons on the ground doing something different. This is the softer side to dragons, now you can draw a dragon and baby too using this lesson. I will be back with other fun, cool tuts so don't you go anywhere.

#draw dragons #dragon drawing #dragon drawings

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