Up next, draw the mouth and make sure the mouth is wide open. When that is done you can draw the nostril and small horn.
Up next, draw in the rest of the head which should also include the eye. Add the crinkle on the snout and then draw the hairy frills. When that is done you can draw the long whiskers.
We will now draw in the horns in total there are four or five. Next draw the jaw and you can move to step seven.
We can now draw the body. Notice the pose of motion that this dragon body is in. It's slithering like a snake. Add the small back legs and feet, then proceed to the next step.
For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the scales on the body and then draw the fur or hair that flows down the dragon spirit's back. Add another set of legs and feet and then a tuft of hair on the tip of the tail. Erase the mistakes
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February 2, 2018
Description: Hey guys, I hope everyone is having a great time and enjoying all the lessons that are going up by me, and other Dragoart members. Today I will be showing you all how to draw a dragon spirit, step by step. The most important thing about this whole lesson is the coloring and how magical it looks. I had a lot of fun drawing this Chinese dragon style spirit, it's been a while since I've done any dragon drawings. So go ahead and enjoy and be sure to let me know if you like this tut. I shall return with more so don't go anywhere.