True Love Waits, Drawing a Couple

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Okay guys, ar eyou ready? Let's begin by drawing the head guide shapes and then draw in her body guides.


Up next, draw in the profiles of their faces. For the man he should have a very muscular head shape as well as a manly face profile. For the girl, draw the forehead first, and then draw the shape of her head which is in the form of the hairstyle. Dra   


Okay guys, we will be finishing this drawing lesson and to do this we will need t o draw the rest of the man in this True Love Waits drawing. He is just a smokey contouring mass that is wrapped around the female angel's body as he brings her in for a   


That's it, you are all done. Now you can color in this drawing of True Love Waits, which is art ispired by Radio Head's song 'True Love Waits'. As I said before, Radio Head is one of my all time favorite bands. Enjoy coloring in this art.

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June 25, 2016

Description: Hey everyone. Welcome back to another tut filled day. I will start by showing you folks a drawing lesson that is based on a concept from one of my favorite songs by Radio Head. This concept is called 'True Love Waits', drawing a couple, step by step. The song True Love Waits can mean a variety of things, but to me it makes me think of two people who are in love and long for one another even though they are from completely different worlds, lives or creed. The couple I made in this lesson are from Hell and the Heavens. I love the way it came out and I know you can see the emotion between these two individuals. I hope you have fun with drawing this couple, there is more to come so be sure to stay tuned in.

#how to draw love #how to draw couples

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