Draw an oval for the head and another one to outline it. Draw a curved shape for the body and two lines for the tails.
Add another semi-circle in the head area then draw out the tails around the two lines you drew earlier. The tail that begins on the left should go underneath the other one and should end still on the left. The right tail should fold over itself as it
Finish up the top of the head with overlapping curves. The center curve ends on the forehead with an oval. Add in the ends on both sides of the face and draw in the eyes and a small line for the mouth.
Finish up the ends of the tails with zig-zag lines and fanning ovals at the ends.The left end should be slightly behind the one on the right. Add two small ovals in the center before moving on to the next step.
Erase all the guidelines and stary marks and this is what you should be left with. Draw in three more small ovals for the light inside each circle and you are done!
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August 11, 2009
Description: This is another one of my many Pokemon tutorials. In all honesty, Pokemon are so simple to draw- I might be making a ton more tutorials on them. If you have a favorite Pokemon and would like a tutorial, don't be shy to comment or Private Message me! :D Anywho, Uxie is one of the legendary trio from Sinnoh including Mesprit and Azelf. It is a psychic type. Its National Dex number is #480 and its Sinnoh Pokedex number is #146. Enjoy!