How To Draw Arceus

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It all begins with this wiggly figure! lol XD Doesn't it look funny? There should be a small oval with an indent for the head and a long rounded figure for the body. Draw four wiggly lines at the bottom for the legs, one more line for the tail and an   


Sketch in the four legs as shown. They are sort of bulky and have rounded points at the ends.


Begin to draw in the ears and details on the head and neck. Draw in around the wiggly line at the top and then sketch out the tail. Note that the tail is NOT straight.


Draw in the body details as shown in red. What you draw should seem to wrap around the body itself- it should have a curve to it.


Finish drawing in the body plates that you started in the last step. On the tips of the feet, draw in little curves for the design.


Draw in the oval area for the face and the chest plate, of you can call it that. XD Then draw another wiggly line at the top flare.


Here's the tough part! If you look at the picture, you see a series of bolded red lines, right? All those red lines need to go. Erase all of the lines in the areas that I higlighted. It gets a bit confusing with so much going on all at once, but just   


Add in the circles in the four corners of the design on the body. Then finish up the face. Once again, on the right, you'll se a few more bold red lines. Erase those lines as well. And then move on to the next step!


When you finish up everything and erase the lines I showed you, this is what your picture should look like. After all those long steps, you are finally finished! ^_^

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August 10, 2009

Description: Here is another one of my Pokemon tutorials that I've been practicing. This is also a request from my friend, jlong! Arceus is easily ranked as one of the top most rare Pokemon ever created. You can only obtain one in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. It is originally a normal type Pokemon, but changes type depending on what type pf 'plate' it is holding. (EX: Fire plate > fire type) This is the only Pokemon with this unique ability. And it's a normal type, so it can dish out moves of any other type, giving it a great threshold of moves that are available. It's National Pokedex number is #493. Enjoy this tutorial! :D

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