How to Draw Tom Sawyer

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Draw the head guide, then draw the lining for the shoulders and arms like so.


Use the head guide to sketch out the shape of Tom's face along with the shaggy bangs that hang on his forehead. Also draw an ear shape too.


Finish the shape of the head which is also the hair. When that is done you can draw Tom's eyes, nose and mouth all using the facial guidelines. Add detailing inside the ear, and draw the eyebrows as well as color them in.


You can now draw the rugged hat that has some notches along the edge. When that is all set you can draw in the neck and shirt line.


Okay folks are you ready to draw in the torso for Tom's body? Good let's get busy. Draw the shoulders first, then draw in the sleeves. When that is done you can add the collar since he is wearing a button up style shirt.


You will now draw in the rolled up sleeve cuff and then draw Tom Sawyer's arm and hand. His hand is gripping the pole so be sure to draw the hand in a closed pose.


Now you can draw in the sapling stick which most boys used for fishing poles back in the early days. Draw the other arm and hand, along with the other cuff.


Add detailing to Tom's shirt and then draw in his suspenders for the trousers.


We will begin drawing Tom's lower body which is the baggy trousers he is wearing. Since he is fishing, he has his pants rolled up. Draw the lower leg and some wrinkling to the pants.


Draw Tom's other leg and pants. The cuff should be thicker and have some detailing.


Add a line to his sapling pole, and make sure it is long.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the massive tree branch or arm Tom is sitting on as he fishes. Add some bark detailing to the tree, then erase the mistakes and guides.


The line art for Tom Sawyer is here as is. Now you can color in the drawing so you can show it off to family and friends.

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October 27, 2014

Description: So here is a lesson on the friend of Huck Finn and as you can see he has his signature fishing pole. Here is "how to draw Tom Sawyer", step by step. Tom Sawyer is another character created by the very talented writer Mark Twain. He is thought/said to be younger then his good friend Huck, but the two boys basically like doing the same thing. Tom Sawyer is an iconic fictional character that is in 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' which was a book that has been around since 1876. Anyways, I do hope you have fun with this tut, I know not a lot of you will find a need for it but at least it's there. Thanks and enjoy.

#how to draw boys

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