How to Draw a Kawaii Boy
Make a simple round shape for the face and then draw in the hairstyle. Add detailing to the hair and move to step two.
Lastly, draw in the body. Don't forget the arms, legs, and necklace. You will also need to erase any mistakes you might have made.
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December 1, 2015
Description: I don't know if I did, but if I didn't here is a lesson on how to draw a Kawaii boy, step by step. I was originally supposed to do a Kawaii Justin Bieber, but I didn't know how exactly to turn him into a Kawaii and still resemble him. So, instead I made this, a Kawaii boy. I like the black hair, the black clothing and the simple body pose. I'm sure you will enjoy this tut on drawing a Kawaii boy, I had fun making him.