How to Draw the Confederate Flag

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Start by making two lines. Now when combined they should make a plus symbol.


Next, use the lines that you drew in step one to make the two V shaped lines you see here. One is right side up, and the other is upside down.


Complete the lines until you have a thick bold X like you see here. It should also be placed in the middle of your drawing surface.


Now you will draw out and color in all thirteen stars like you see here. Try and draw then in two perfect lines and try to keep them pretty even. Now you can erase the lines that you drew in step one to clean up your paper.


Here is the flag when you are all done. Now all you have to do is color it in using red, blue, and white shades. I hope you enjoyed this lesson on how to draw the Confederate flag.

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November 14, 2010

Description: Okay guys, there is only two more lessons that I will be uploading today, and to switch things up a bit I thought I would do a tutorial on a flag that is part of United States history. As you know I have drawn a lot of different things and flags is one of them. Today this lesson is going to be on "how to draw the Confederate Flag", step by step. There is no wrong way to draw this flag since all you will be doing is drawing a square, and a bold X in the middle. Inside of the cross there is a total of thirteen stars, and a white border around the giant X. The thirteen stars represents the thirteen states that was a part of the confederacy. The Confederate flag that you and I are looking at know was supposed to be used as a battle flag and because of this it made it’s first appearance in 1861 during the month of December. Now because the civil war was pretty brutal, folks took a liking to the new flag of the rebels. This battle flag was was named to be the flag of the Arm of Northern Virginia. Anyways, there is a whole lot more to talk about when it comes to this symbol of freedom for the southern parts of the U.S. If you are into American history, then you should like this tutorial on "how to draw the Confederate flag". I hope the person that requested this lesson enjoys it, and I also hope that you guys will return for more drawing fun. Adios people, and remember to enjoy the rest of your drawing day!

#how to draw flags

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