How to Draw the Boondocks

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Start this first step by simply making two circles for the head, and then draw in the facial guidelines like so.


Nos you will be drawing in the guidelines for the bodies but only the upper body because you will not be drawing out the bottom half in full.


Now that the basic guidelines and shapes are drawn in, you can begin sketching out the shapes of Riley and Huey's face. Be sure to include the ear outlining with the face shapes, and be sure the chins are sort of pointy.


Okay, Now you will start drawing in their hairstyles. As you can see Huey has an afro style going on, and Riley has cornrows. This should be a very easy step to complete.


Now you can start drawing in their eyebrows and then the top lids of their eyes. When that is done, you can move to the next step but not before you thicken the brows and eye lines.


Continue to draw out their eyes until they are all drawn in and completed. When that is done you can draw in the inside ear detailing, and then draw out their faces in better detail until they come out looking like they do here.


Okay, you are almost done with the tutorial. What you will do now is draw out their upper bodies starting with the necks, shoulders, and arms, Huey is wearing a regular tee shirt while Riley is wearing a muscle style shirt. Be sure to sketch in some    


Continue to draw out the arms until Riley's hands are all drawn in, and Huey has the rest of the arm and some of the hand drawn in as well. Continue this step until the rest of Riley's muscle shirt is drawn in, and then sketch out the definition on t   


Sketch out the pants, and the rest of Huey's shirt as well. Finish drawing the large hand which is up close and personal. You will then need to sketch out the detailing on the palm of Huey's hand and then you can start erasing the lines and shapes th   


Here is what the Freeman's look like when you are all done. Now you can color them in, and be sure to use this tutorial at your disposal. Thanks for joining me guys with this tutorial on how to draw the Boondocks.

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February 13, 2011

Description: There has been so many different cartoon series that has made a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of people. Every once in a while I will come across a request that gets me excited to fulfill. That is how I feel about this next tutorial that I am about to submit. Today I will be teaching you "how to draw the Boondocks", step by step. The series consisted of three main characters known as Riley, Huey, and Robert or Granddad Freeman. The show follows the Freeman family as they live their day to day lives after their move to Woodcrest which is located in California. They moved from Chicago Illinois and once they have settled into their new pad, they have to get used to coping with the differences in the way of life. Periodically there is reoccurring characters in the series like Jazmine Dubois who is their neighbor. Jazmine is the girl that visits the Freeman’s often and she is most recognized by her big puffy red colored pigtails. She is lighter than the boys because she is a biracial child. John, her dad is black, and Sarah, her mom is white. Huey and Riley often use her to cast judgment and ridicule her. She has a big crush on Huey even though Huey is often rude to her and he even acts as though she doesn’t exist. Anyways the lesson is going to be cool and I know I probably should have included Granddad in the tutorial. The only reason why I didn’t draw him in is because a lot of the time it’s only Huey and Riley that are requested to be drawn. I guess that does it, now you can teach yourself "how to draw the Boondocks", step by step, and when you are all done you can add the drawing to your portfolio of art. Peace out peeps and have fun!

#drawing cartoon characters #draw the boondocks tutorial #boondocks art guide #step by step boondocks drawing #how to draw riley and huey #learn to draw freeman family #art portfolio addition boondocks #drawing lessons boondocks characters #boondocks cartoon art tutorial #artistic skills drawing boondocks

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