How to Draw Bugs Bunny Easy
Start by drawing an egg shape for the lower part of Bugs' face. Add one vertical guideline like so.
Using that shape you just made, begin sketching out Bugs' cheeks, as well as his skinny neck. Be sure to add some fur on those cheeks because after all, he is a rabbit. Draw the top part of the head. As you can see it tappers off as we get to the arc
Make the marking line that is like a wide W across his face. This will separate the colors gray and white when you color him in. Next, draw in the large oval shapes for his eyes, and then draw a tiny nose, his lips, and then the buckteeth.
Color in pupils inside of Bugs' eyes and then add a bit of a nose wrinkle like so. You will draw three whiskers on each side of his face, and then add some detailing to his teeth as well as his chin and neck.
Lastly, all you have to do is draw out his big rabbit ears which are pointed straight up in the air. Add detailing inside of the ears, then erase the mistakes and guidelines to clean up the drawing.
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May 10, 2012
Description: This wacky face has been around for years, and will stay around for many years to come. I don't think that we will ever forget, or miss the face that you see before you now. This tutorial is going to be very simple as well as fun. You will be learning "how to draw Bugs Bunny easy", step by step. Bugs Bunny has always been a special character to me. He has the nerve to do things to others that I don't, he is sort of ruthless, and can even be mean spirited if he really wants to. Bugs will watch someone struggle and not even offer a helping hand, but he can also be kind, caring, and he even has an emotional side although we hardly get to see that part of his personality. Drawing Bugs Bunny easy is going to be one of those 'feel good' lessons because just his face alone will take you back to your childhood no matter how old you are. That's all I have to say about this character, how about you get busy drawing him out. Adios amigos and enjoy!