How to Draw Samurai Sonic, Sonic in a Samurai Outfit
Always start off with a base ^_^ Draw a circle for his head and a circle for his chest then two lines done to form his body and legs. Then two circles for his hand and two ovals for his other hand.Then draw on his outfit base and his shoes base. :)
Start off by drawing on his mouth/muzzle and his nose. Then draw on his eyes his eyebrows and draw on the top of his head.Next draw on his ears and his spikes or hair and finally start drawing part of his chest for the next step.
Start drawing on his outfit by drawing on his chest line done half way then go back up and draw on the rips on the back of his outfit. Draw on his arm and his sleeve then draw on his hand and work your way back to his body.Then draw on the part where
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October 4, 2012
Description: Request by sandy_candy of Sonic in a samurai outfit :3 I hope you like it Sandy and I hope who ever else looks at this also likes it. :D