Draw in the lower half of Shadow's face which will be the area where the jingle bells are under. When that is done you can draw and color in the nose. The last thing you have to do here is draw out the shapes of the eyes. Be sure to draw the eyes in
Here you will draw the eyeballs, color in the pupils, then draw the frown. Add the slits on each jingle bell like so, then proceed to step four.
The next thing you will need to do is draw the shoulder, then draw the fuzz on his chest where the jingle bells are resting on. Once that is done draw some of the back part of the head.
You are almost done folks. All you have to do here is draw the lid around the forehead, then draw in his ears, and forehead wrinkles that is peaking through the bottom part of the Santa hat.
For your last drawing step all you have to do is draw the three hair chunks and add some definition to them as well. Erase your mistakes and guides, then you're done.
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December 18, 2012
Description: Are you still here? Good because there is more fun coming your way today, then tomorrow there will be more for your drawing pleasure. After this next lesson I don't think I will be uploading more Christmas related tutorials because there is only six days left for the big day, and I want to chill with the red, the Santa hats and all the snow. Speaking of snow, did I tell you guys that the storm we had over in these parts produced nearly three feet of snow? It was crazy, we lost power from 12:30am-4:00pm. I was so angry because I couldn't get online. Anyways, I'm here now and so is this tutorial on "how to draw Christmas Shadow", step by step. Shadow the hedgehog is by far one of the most popular figures from the Sonic game series. I know you will have a blast with drawing Shadow in a whole new way because everyone always does. I have to break out of here because I still have a lot to do before I call it a day. Adios, happy holidays, Merry Christmas, happy Hanuka and peace.