How to Draw Espio the Chameleon


Draw a circle for the base of his head and a smaller circle for his chest. Draw spikes on the smaller circle and two more circvles for his hands. Then draw his leg base and his shoe base.


Start with his mouth and work your way up to the top of his head then go back down and draw on his horn and work your way back up to the top of his head.


Next draw his spines and go down to his tail then go up and draw on hois arm and his gloves and fingers.


Finish his other hand and draw on his legs and his ankle braces or whatever they are XD Then draw on his shoes. :D


When your done add some color if ya want :D Can't wait to read your comments and I hoped you liked my tutorial. :)

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September 15, 2012

Description: Third one OH YEA :D I cant remember the name of the user who requested this but you know who your are :D

#draw sonic characters
1 - Super Cool
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