How to Draw Sailor Neptune

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By now you should know what to do when it comes to making the guides. Start with the shapes for the head and torso like so. Sketch in the facial guidelines as well.


The first thing we will do is draw the long curly strands that frames Jupiter's face.


Draw the forehead line then sketch in the detailing to the roots.


Simply draw the shape of her face then move to step five.


We will now draw in her face. Start with the headband, then draw in the big eyes using the same dark technique with the eyelids. Draw the nose and mouth as well.


Moving forward we will draw some of Neptune's neck then sketch in the shoulders using a layered line technique. This will create the sleeves on her shoulders.


Continue to work on her hair which should be big and puffy. When that is done add some roots to the center of the head.


Continue on with drawing her clothes starting with the shirt collar. Draw in the bow and the small choker around her neck. Detail around the knot of the bow as well.


Here you will add the shapes of her chest or breasts like you see and then add the ribbon tails from her bow.


If you keep it up, you will be done with drawing Neptune before you know it. Draw the arm and hand as well as the bracelets or bangles on her forearm.


Next, add Neptune's other arm and then draw in the thumb.


For the last drawing step just add the rest of her body then draw in the large bow loop behind her arm. Erase those mistakes and guides to clean up the drawing.


That's it, you are done. You can now color in Sailor Neptune and be on your way.

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May 15, 2017

Description: This is the last human character from the new Sailor Moon reboot series 'Sailor Moon Crystal' that I will upload. The next one will be on an animal species from the show. But first, let's learn how to draw the very pretty Sailor Neptune, step by step. She is one of the more laid back of the girls, and has green colored wavy hair. Sailor Neptune just looks old school even though she is in new form. Her hair and whole ambiance is brighter, clearer and much more relaxing on the eyes. I had fun with drawing all the girls from Sailor Moon Crystal and I hope you guys will too. I know there isn't a huge fan base for them right now, but trust me there will be in the future after the reboot series airs on July 5th of this year. Stick around because there are more lessons coming your way.

#how to draw sailor moon characters #how to draw sailor moon crystal

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