How to Draw Princeton, Princeton from Mindless Behavior, Princeton

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Draw the oval lightly with a No.2 or HB pencil. Make sure you draw it as seen in the picture.


Now draw in the bisecting red line to balance his facial features.


Sketch lightly the crescent red lines for hair line and head mass.


You can draw in the lines a. for eyebrows, b. for eyes, c. for nose, and d. for mouth.


Now draw in Princeton's eyebrows and eyes. Don't forget the hair wisps of his eyebrows and bottom lashes. Observe where these drawn lines fall near the guidelines.


Note where his features appear in relation to the guidelines. Draw in his nose, smile lines, mouth and teeth. Take your time with the teeth.


Watch closely how his face outline, jawline, chin, and ear relate to the guidelines. As you draw, you will have more accuracy.


When you sketch his hair, try to imitate the curly and hilly don't have to draw as many. This will help as you shade it in more.


Now draw in his jacket's collar and shoulders. If you haven't already, you can erase your guidelines.


I made this line drawing especially for you!


Here is how his hair looks filled in. If you want to do the pencil shading and blending part, let us continue.


I didn't want to skip this. The first picture shows how to hold your pencil for Overhand (great for writing & details) and Underhand (great for shading large areas in wide strokes). You can practice tone shading and take it a step further with the To   


Here is how the tools look. I used the 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil, 9B pencil, tissue, and the blending stump.


Best thing you can do when drawing hair is to establish the general shape then work in the main strands of hair by holding your pencil at a 45 degree angle for stroking and coverage. Then, as in the third picture, you can work in more details. But he   


It is always great to shade in your drawing lightly. You can use a circular or diagonal sketching direction to shade his face, hair, and jacket collar with a 9B pencil very lightly. Use the pencil on it's side as in step 12 for a wider swath (coverag   


It's amazing how your picture will look after blending with a tissue. If you blend and erase too much, the light area in the jacket will appear like in the picture. Still, do not randomly rub over his eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth. His hair is easy   


Here is the finished product. Shadows on his face and jacket can be darkened with the 9B Graphite Pencil. Also adding depth to his hair with the 9B is a good idea. Then you can highlight with pastel or an opaque watercolor or acrylic titanium white.    

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February 18, 2013

Description: Mindless Behavior is an American boy band, best known for the singles "My Girl" and "Mrs.Right." Princeton is featured in this picture. The band was put together in Los Angeles in 2008, by Keisha Gamble, Walter Millsap, and Vincent Herbert. The band trained in dance and singing for two years before relasing a recording. They have toured with the Backstreet Boys, Justin Bieber and Jason Derulo, and was the sole opening act for Janet Jackson's 2011 tour. They have been predicted as Future Stars by This Must Be Pop! (Notes from Wikipedia). Please fav, show your love, and comment. Thank you all. Peace and love to you.

#draw famous people #draw people #draw music #how to draw real people #how to draw people #how to draw celebrities

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