You can draw in the lines a. for top of sunglasses, b. for bottom of sunglasses, c. for bottom of letters (nose area), d. for mouth area, and e. for shoulders.
Now draw in Charlie's cap and letters LA. Don't forget the shadow line of the brim of his cap, and the hoodie. Observe where these drawn lines fall near the guidelines.
Like regular features, note where the letters and scarf design appear in relation to the guidelines. Take your time since drawing in the shape of the English-styled letters will take more focus.
The details in the lettering and design on this picture has made it advanced, including the last portion of his scarf and jacket. Draw them in. If you need a larger view of the pic, click on it and you can zoom in or out. If you haven't already, you
You can view the letters closer, along with some guidelines letter positioning, which really helps. When doing letters, the 2- or 3-guideline technique really keeps them in even or more accurate.
I made this line drawing especially for you if you don't want to do the pencil shading and blending part. Otherwise, let us continue to the pencil drawing part.
I didn't want to skip this. The first picture shows how to hold your pencil for Overhand (great for writing & details) and Underhand (great for shading large areas in wide strokes). You can practice tone shading and take it a step further with the To
Here is how the tools look. I used the 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil, 9B pencil, tissue, and the blending stump.
Here is the outline done with a 0.7mm mechanical pencil. Look closely and see if your lines look something like this. You can erase if certain areas like the eyes or nose don't line up. Take you kneaded eraser and dab off the shadow outlines or dark
This is the first start with the pastel application. If you do the whole picture in a pencil sketch, this is where you would sketch in small circles or lines to shade the areas. It would take hours upon hours to cover all that area with a pencil. I c
Here I used my blending stump to "draw" in more lines, add more shading to his cap, sunglasses, scarf and hoodie jacket with the dark gray pastels. I used a very small tortillan to get to tiny areas between the letters and scarf design. The areas I n
I sketched in more shading and folding lines with my 9B and 0.7mm pencils. With the 0.7mm mechanical pencil (HB lead), I defined the lettering and scarf design. I applied 9B to darkly shaded areas on his cap, sunglasses, scarf and hoodie. Also the kn
Basically, I added more highlights with the kneaded eraser in his jacket folds. I smoothed out the gray areas with tissue paper.
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March 20, 2013
Description: Charlie Scene is one of the members of an American Rap Rock band called Hollywood Undead. Their debut album, "Swan Songs," was released on September 2, 2008. The band members use pseudonyms and wear their own unique mask, most of which are based on the common hockey goaltender design. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Please fav, show your love, and comment. Thank you all. Peace and love to you.