How to Draw Nightmare Before Christmas Amy Pond


Draw the head, torso guide and lower body guide. Sketch in the facial guidelines and add the limb guides.


Draw in the defined shape of Amy or Sally Pond's face, and then draw the parted bangs or hair.


Draw the shape of the head, then finish the hairstyle.


Add the large shapes of the eyes and then draw the nose, heart shaped mouth and stitch line.


We will draw the shoulders and arms, then draw the clawing hands.


Draw the upper body and then more of Amy's suit jacket.


Add the jacket flaps and then draw the opening line and pockets.


Lastly, draw the dress and the legs. Add ruffle to the ends and you are done. Erase the mistakes and all the guides too.


Here is the line art. Color her in and show off your drawing.

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August 3, 2015

Description: You can't have a lesson on a Nightmare Before Christmas version of Jack fused with Doctor Who without making a tut on How to Draw Nightmare Before Christmas Amy Pond or Sally Pond, step by step. I like how Amy came out as a fused creation of Sally. The orange hair really stands out, the design concept ends up looking like Amy Pond in a Sally creation. Drawing Amy Pond or Sally Pond should be pretty fun. Let me know what you think and if there is anything you would change.

#how to draw the nightmare before christmas characters #how to draw doctor who characters
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