How to Draw Human Jack Skellington


Let us start with drawing the guidelines and shapes to create the framework for this character.


Using the head guide you just made, sketch out the shape and structure for Jack's face like you see here. You can then draw the hairline as well.


Up next, draw the eyebrows and then draw the nose. When that is done draw in the top lip and then the bottom.


Now you can use the facial guidelines to draw out the shapes of the eyes. When that is done color in the pupils.


Let's finish Jack's face and head by drawing the hair. Once that is done you can draw in the neck and his ears. Also add the shirt collar as it is pretty clingy on his neck.


As you can see the collar for Jack's shirt is shaped like a pair of eyes. You will draw the collar flaps which resemble spider legs. Add some shape to the torso as well.


Finish the body and then draw the long skinny arms which also happen to be the sleeves.


Add the skinny pin stripes and then you are done here.


We will now draw in Jack's hand. Notice that it is flat.


Since Jack is the pumpkin king, draw a pumpkin in his hand. Add a face and then erase your mistakes and guides.


Here is the line art when you are done. Now you can have some fun coloring him in.

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September 26, 2015

Description: There are two more Halloween themed lessons going up once I submit this one on how to draw human Jack Skellington. The inspiration for this tutorial came to me when I was watching the movie 'A Nightmare Before Christmas' with my little sister. As we watched it, the subject came up on what Jack would have looked like if he wasn't a skeleton or before he was dead. This gave me the idea to make the tut you see before you now. I have done more than a few lesson on Jack Skellington before in the past, but none are on how he looks as a human. I think I captured his personality, but the one thing I would have changed is the finger length of his hands. Anyways, let me know what you think. At least you will have a fun tut to follow and replicate. Stick around, there is more to come.

#how to draw the nightmare before christmas characters
1 - Super Cool
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