How to Draw Nigel


Make the shapes of Nigel's head, and body like so, and notice how the head and body shape are odd or off. Sketch in the facial guidelines.


Here you will begin sketching out this birds fluffy feathery head, and then draw out his shoulders. Don't forget to sketch in the crown feathers.


Next, draw in his claw shaped beak and then draw in the bottom half of the beak as well.


Next, sketch out his eyes, and then color in the pupils. Add some crease lining under the eyes, and move to step five.


Here you will finish sketching out his crown feathers, and be sure to make them curled up at the ends.


Now it's time to start drawing out his wings and as you can see they are crossed over like a person crosses their arms. The ends of the feathers are spear shaped like you can see here.


Finish drawing out the wing feathers, and then add some detailing and definition to the edge lining and in between the spears.


Sketch out the rest of Nigel's body which consists of the belly, bum, and the legs and toes. Don't forget to draw in the clawed nails.


Lastly, sketch out Nigel's tail, and then like the crown feathers, draw in curled tips at the ends like so. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.


Here is Nigel when you are all done. Now you can color him in, and add him to your Rio collection. I hope you had fun everyone, be sure to try another tutorial on

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March 12, 2011

Description: Every movie has to have a bad guy or at least a character that is enemies with the other. This character that I am submitting is a cockatoo that has all bad intentions in mind. You will be taught "how to draw Nigel", step by step. Like I said, Nigel is a cockatoo that is the bird of a gourp of bird-nappers and they want the two macaws found ASAP. In order to find Blu and Jewel they send out their pet bird Nigel on a seek and find mission to bring back the birds into their possession. Nigel uses his conniving ways to get what he wants when he wants it, no questions asked. I really like the way he came out because the drawing expresses how sinister he is. The overall lesson is going to be pretty easy, and you should have a blast learning "how to draw Nigel from Rio". This is your chance to draw a Cockatoo with ease in the form of a film character. I guess that's about it, because what else can I say about a character that has no bio at all. Peace out people, and have fun with this tutorial, and with your drawing day.

#how to draw rio characters #how to draw rio
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