How to Draw Mountains for Kids

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Start the first step by drawing two wavy mounds for the valley or ground part of the mountain landscape.


Start the first of the mountain side to the left and be sure to begin the lining with some bumps. Draw the base of the mountain and then draw the lines that makes the creek or river that flows through the center of the mountain landscape.


Draw more mountains like so, and as you can see they are more rugged and a nit more large.


Lastly, sketch in more of the mountain tips or tops and then sketch in some of the high grass lines. You can choose to make this concept trees instead of grass if you like. Erase your mistakes and that's it.


Here you have a nice simple landscape drawing of mountains for kids.

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February 13, 2012

Description: Well, there is so many things I want to draw but it seems like I don’t have enough time or energy to create all the things I want. To start the day off, I want to take a break from all the complex lessons that I have been submitting lately and do something a bit less complicated or challenging. I have a few ‘for kids’ lessons that I want to upload and I will start with "how to draw mountains for kids", step by step. As I mentioned before when you draw mountains you can get stuck along the way if you are going for a high detailed, realistic sketch. When making these mountains you will find that you can create a rocky looking countryside landscape without all the headache. I had a lot if fun creating and or making this tutorial, and to tell you the truth I think I like it better than the mountains I drew a while ago. Anyways, have fun and be sure to let me know if this came in helpful by leaving a comment, or rating. Adios people and enjoy!

#draw mountains #how to draw a mountain #how to draw mountains #draw a valley #how to draw a mountain valley #draw for kids

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