You will be drawing a total of four different ears shapes so let's get started. Begin by making the outline of an ear from a side view profile. The first one is your typical shape, then we have a cartoony style, and then of course there are the elf s
You will now add the detailing or cartilage lining that is in every type of ear. Notice the different shapes of cartilage for each different style ear.
For the last drawing step, all you have to do is draw in the remaining details for inside of the ear. You can use any of these ears for various characters. Clean up the drawing and that's it.
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February 7, 2012
Description: Yes, there is also going to be a tutorial on "how to draw ears for kids", step by step. I know what you're saying, why all these for kids tutorials? You have to understand folks, I have to make lessons that everyone can enjoy and learn from. If a beginning or novice artist visits the site and all they find is lessons on all these hard subjects, it's going to make their experience here not so pleasant, as well as complicated. I want people that come to Dragoart.com learn something that they didn't know how to do before. Since people always send me requests to make tutorials easier for them, here is a smart, and simple way that you can draw ears in a for kids fashion. Now, does that mean that only kids should tackle this tutorial? No, it's just a better way to emphasis that the tutorial is so easy, even a kid could do it. I know how difficult it can be to draw parts of the human face including the ears, when creating a character. I will chill with the 'for kids' stuff for a few days so I can get back to some cool, exciting lessons. But I do hope that this tutorial helps those that have had a problem with making ears. I will be back with another submission so stay tuned in especially if you like anime. Adios mi amigos!