Next, define the shape of Mel's head and face like so. Make the top of his head groove in with the ears coming out.
We will draw Mel's nose and marking line to form the mouth area. His mouth has a few teeth coming out overlapping the top lip. Add the chin indent and proceed to step five.
Almost done folks. Draw the body and legs along with the tiny feet, then draw the thick dog collar.
So you will finish things off by drawing the rest of the body and then draw the tag that displays the name Mel. Erase your mistakes and guides too.
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August 11, 2015
Description: There is literally a bunch of good movies coming out very soon in 2016. This character is from one of those upcoming movies and the same folks who brought us Despicable Me is bring this movie called The Secret Life of Pets. I will be uploading some tuts on a couple of the main character pets that you will see in the movie starting with this one on how to draw Mel, step by step. All I know about Mel is that he is a pug, a very grumpy looking pug. This lesson is going to be pretty simple to follow so don't think you have a complex tut on your hands. Drawing pugs is always fun anyways so drawing Mel is going to be exciting too. Enjoy folks, peace out!