How to Draw Chloe From Secret Life of Pets


To start the first step all you have to do is draw an egg shape then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Define the shape of Chloe's body like so and then proceed to step three.


Up next, draw Chloe's pointy cat ears and then add some hair and inner ear detailing.


We will begin tackling the face starting with the eyebrows and eyes. Once that is done you can draw the nose and lashes.


Finish Chloe's face by drawing the eyeballs, nostrils and mouth. Then draw in her long soft looking whiskers.


Draw in the front legs, front paws and back paws.


You will lastly draw in Chloe's tail and then you are done. Erase your guides and mistakes and that's it.


This is the line art. Now you can color in Chloe from The Secret Life of Pets.

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August 12, 2015

Description: Before I get to the really cool tuts I wanted to go ahead and give you guys another lesson on a pet from the upcoming 2016 movie 'The Secret Life of Pets'. Here is how to draw Chloe, step by step. Chloe is the cat who lives with Max I think, and she is a great big cat that causes problems for Max, I think. Anyways, since there is no character bio yet for the animals in the film, all I can do is show you how easy the task is to drawing her. Have fun and enjoy.

#how to draw the secret life of pets characters #how to draw the secret life of pets
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