How to Draw Little Girls, Little Girls


Before you create a character like a little girl, you always need to think a little about this age, and things. If you draw a little girl/ little teenager from 10 years old to 16 years old, you know, this is a really changing period of the girl's lif   


These are some tips and examples for the girly, little girl clothes. A little girl clothes could be cute, girly, and boyish too. :)


Some examples for the girly extra things to the outfit. As you can see, these are a really girly, cute, plush thing, what the girls like. They are like the flower, heart, bear, kitty, stars, and bow motives. Generally lot of these things are pink. As   


They are always loose-limbed, never stop, and in their movements have always a lot of emotion too. If you want to show, what do you think your little girl figure, but without words, here some example for the poses.


Let's start the "How to draw little girls" part! Now, start to draw the base lines. This is helpful, that you can draw the base form of the body.


Draw the shape of her face and starting the front hair line.


Draw the eyebrows and top of eyelids too, this is the start of her face character.


Now, draw her iris, and the base lines of the nose, mouth, and ears.


The next step is her iris, the mouth's upper and downer parts, and the nostrils.


The last part of the face drawing is the last details of the ears, and the eyes, and the freckles.


Now, draw the base line of her hair.


Finish the hair part with the hair-lines, as you want to draw. :)


Okay, now the next part is her half torso (The upper part), and the arms. You don't see too much from the torso, but you need to draw the base lines and form of the arms.


The next step is the base lines of the clothes, what you need to draw.


Draw the clothes's little details, and the body's little lines, and the finger's lines too, this is the finish step of this part.


This part is a little difficult, because this is the torso's downer part, and the bottom, and the thigh part too. So, draw the base lines of the skirt, and the torso's clothes downer part.


Now, draw the skirt's details, and lines, and finish this part!


And the next part is the legs! So, draw the base lines of them.


And now, draw the details of legs, and the toe's lines too. And this is the finish step of the drawing too!


You are done! Now go, and color her, as you want. I really enjoy to draw this tutorial, I hope, you like it too. Great work, guys!

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August 29, 2011

Description: Welcome to the tutorial to draw a girl body. You can find a lot of tips about the the girl body drawing with a lot of interesting thing, information too. I had fun creating this lesson and be sure to show me how you did! If you want more tutorials with same theme, you can see my "How to draw girl face" and "How to Draw a Girls Body" tutorial too.

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