How to Draw Female Figures, Female Figures


Base body of female figure. You can see on the picture a female body, with the normal anatomy scales. The woman's shoulder and sciatic have same size, and a woman'd boy have a lot of rotund, and arched lines too. That's the difference from the male f   


Woman body in front view, side view, and back view too, that you know this, when you draw a female figure :)


Some bodyshape of the female figures. You can see here normal body (1.), pregnant body (6), pear-body (8), and wasp wais body (11) too. It's helping for you, when you choose the right body for your character.


Some hints for legs of female figures. As you can see, the really womanly womans walk in a forthright line, and when they step, firstly they put down their upper-foot. On the lower pictures you see the normal foot and the foot if wear a high-heeled s   


Okay, it's always a big problem with the beginner drawers, that when they draw a woman, girl, etc. they draw a pattern breast, and that never moving! But this is a part of the female body, so when you draw your female figure, you always need to know,   


Here some example for the female poses. It's just few poses, because the number of the possible and womanly poses is really big.


Let's start the "How to draw female figure" part! Now, start to draw the base lines. This is helpful, that you can draw the base form of the body.


We don't need to the half part of legs, you will see on end of this tutorial too, why I cut them, don't worry!


Draw the shape of her face and starting the front hair line. Draw the eyebrows and top of eyelids too, this is the start of the face drawing.


The next step now is not a big and hard part, you need to draw only the base form of the ear.


Now, you can start to draw the main lines of nose, and mouth, and draw the iris of eyes too!


Draw the pupils, finish the mouth lines, and draw for the nose and for the eyes too little details.


The finish details of the face part: Draw the eyelashes, and finish the ears, and the nose too.


Okay, now, you can draw the base form of the hair.


Separate the long ponytail from the head with a line, and draw the missing little details.


Draw the base form of the torso and the arms! You lucky, you draw most lines with the hair part.


The next step is the details of her body. The lines of the fingers, breasts, the left arm, and the stomach part.


Now, you can draw the little dress on her body.


Final step of the upper parts, torso. Little details on the dress, like the lace parts.


Draw the base form of the legs. As you can see, because something, you only see the half part of these.


Draw the leg's details, and lines. It's not too hard, just follow the body's area.


And the final step of the under parts. Last details: The lace frill on the panties.


The final part is the base lines of pillows. You can see now, why don't see her legs half part.


You are done! Now go, and color her, as you want. I really enjoy to draw this tutorial, I hope, you like it too. Great work, guys!

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August 17, 2011

Description: Welcome to the tutorial to draw female figure. You can find a lot of tips about the the female figures drawing with a lot of interesting thing, information too. I had fun creating this lesson and be sure to show me how you did! If you want more tutorials with same theme, you can see my "How to draw girl body" and the "How to draw female face" tutorial too.

#draw people #how to draw people #how to draw girls

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