How to Draw Fighting poses


In this tutorial you can find example poses for the typical fightings. Now, if you have a knight figure, or something like this you see some fighting pose with blade here.


Karate is from Japan. Karate means "empty hand", so this is a fighting mode without weapon, the person only use her/his body in the fight. "Today karate is practiced for self-perfection, for cultural reasons, for self-defense and as a sport." (Wikipe   


The kung-fu is the fighting way from the ancient China. The soul and the meditation is important thing in the kung-fu. "In Chinese, kung fu can also be used in contexts completely unrelated to martial arts, and refers colloquially to any individual a   


You can see in the picture example for the fight with gun (if you have a figure or a story about agents, or maffias, or something action story, you will very need for these action poses :)). In an action story these poses have been more variant and t   


In the examples you see more woman pose, than man poses (These are more easier for me). But here a tip, that how you can draw more manly a pose. It's just a little trick, you only need to know the anatomy. (Like the mans have bigger muscles, and tors   


When you draw a pose example for a comic, you need to know this too. As you see, the first pose is perfect too, you can see what the figure is do, the anatomy is okay, but... if you draw an action story, you need to know do a show! You see, the sec   


Now the last part before the "How to draw..." part is the clothes. You need to know, that some fighting way have a typical clothes-style. This is a really good helping for your watcher, or reader, that she/he can imagined what kind of fighter your ch   


Draw the woman base with only lines and the main points.


Now, you can draw now the second base of human. You need decompose the body form to geometric planes, it's make easier for your drawing.


Draw the shape of her face (and her ear, because we see her profile side) and starting the hair's front line. Draw her eyes and eyebrows too.


Now, draw the pupile and the details of nose, and mouth. You don't need to draw here the main line of nose and mouth, because when you draw the face base form, you need to draw these.


Okay, draw little details of the ears and the eyes.


It's the time of the hair, so here, draw the main, base form of her hair.


Draw the details of her hair. She has curly hair, it's looks like really difficult, but don't worry, it isn't. If you draw a line wrong you don't need worry, because this mistake lost in the lot of curly hair.


Draw the torso's main lines and the base forms of the arms too.


Now, you can draw the top clothes main lines (because it doesn't have too much details, you don't need to work more with this part).


This step about the body's and muscle's lines and details. (It's a fighting pose, yes, but it's a woman body too in this picture, so don't draw too much muscle).


You can start to draw the under part, the legs base form.


Draw the base form of the shorts.


The nest step about the details of the shorts, try to draw the side line like in the jeans.


Now, the last part is the body's and legs's details, but you only need to draw the line of knees, and ankles, and the fingers, of course.


Your own fighting girl picture is done, the only thing, what it's need, that color her as you want! After that everything is your choice. I really like draw this figure with you, i hope, you too! Great work guys!

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July 16, 2011

Description: Welcome to the tutorial to draw fighting poses. You can find a lot of tips about the poses drawing with a lot of interesting thing, information too. I had fun creating this lesson and be sure to show me how you did!

#draw people #how to draw people

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