How to Draw Kawaii Hulk
Make the thick shape for the face and then draw in the ears. You will then draw the hairline for the style and proceed to step two.
We can finish the hairstyle which will also form the head shape. Add detailing to the hair and you can proceed to step three.
We will draw in the eyes and color them in. Once that is done add the veins on the forehead and then add a mouth.
Finally we will draw the body. Draw the arms and legs and then draw the chest muscles and pant line. Erase whatever mistakes you might have made.
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November 28, 2015
Description: This is one of my favorite Kawaii characters from the comic book family. Today we will be learning how to draw Kawaii Hulk, step by step. The reason why I'm fond of this drawing is because of the hair and veins popping out on the forehead. I really love the way this lesson turned out, and i know that some of you who love drawing Kawaii will like it too. I will be back people so don't go anywhere.