How to Draw Kawaii Grinch
Once the guide is drawn in you can define the shape of the head and then draw the small curl on the forehead.
Use the facial guidelines to draw in the circle shapes of the eyes. Then draw the long, thick hairy lashes. Once that is done draw the nose and mouth.
Lastly, draw in the body. This should include the arms and legs. Erase the mistakes if you made any along with the guidelines.
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November 29, 2017
Description: There is nothing more cuter than this lesson on one of the worlds most iconic characters or figures during the Christmas holiday season. Today, I will easily show you how to draw Kawaii Grinch, step by step. Now, when I made this drawing I was debating whether or not to add a Santa hat or leave Grinch without one and I chose without one. I think he came out adorable and I think you will really enjoy drawing Kawaii Grinch. I shall return so come back around.