How to Draw Horde, Horde, World of Warcraft

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Begin by making a simple horizontal line for the first step.


For the second step, all you have to do is draw out the left side of the symbol. There is a few spikes and notches that needs to be drawn in as well.


Draw out the right side of the Horde symbol the same way you did the left. Draw in a small diamond like pendent in the center, and then begin cleaning up the drawing.


You had to clean up the drawing because you will now need to color in the Horde symbol like you see here.


Now that everything is colored in, you have yourself a finished drawing that can only be for a true Horde. Great work guys!

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September 7, 2011

Description: I cannot believe how popular the Horde faction is compared to the Alliance. There are so many DragoArt artists here that are of Horde factions than Alliance. Personally, I think Blizzard favors the good guys, mainly because of the epic Worgen they imported into the game. Honestly, Alliance is terrible with teamwork most of the time, and Horde is filled with smarter, hardcore players. That could be me on a crappy realm so I'm not entirely sure. Anyways, get yourself a ruler, some sketching pencils, and we'll move onto this lesson. This is probably the easiest symbol to make in World of Warcraft, so take your time! Don't rush when you get to certain corners or angles of the drawing since you'll be prone to mess up. I hope all you Horde players/fans will enjoy this tutoiral. Thanks for viewing and happy grinding!

#how to draw wow characters #how to draw wow #how to draw world of warcraft characters
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