How to Draw a Worgen, World of Warcraft

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Let's start off with some guide lines. These guides are a little more complex than usual because I've gone for a more dynamic pose. We have a large chest area, and one arm crossing over the entire pelvis and his left leg. His left (upper) arm is part   


Let's begin the line art with the snout and eye area. I tried to keep the lines as simple as possible, here. Used jagged shapes to indicate fur on the top of the eyebrow. Indicate some muscles on top of the nose/snout area. Draw in the cheekbone, and   


Start this step by drawing the teeth. You can start with the large canine teeth, and then base the rest of the teeth off those curves. Try to keep everything rounded on the sides, coming to sharp points at the tips. The teeth should appear to interlo   


For this step we want to draw all the main hair on the top/back of his head, as well as a pair of braids coming down in front of the ears. The hair is a series of curvy triangle shapes. Each individual line is drawn like an "S." At least, try to do t   


Let's skip the neck for now and draw the chest instead. The most important thing here is to learn where the bones and muscles go. Once you understand that, you can start messing around with the size, shape and position of the details. Check out some    


Now we'll draw the neck and upper arms. Remember the neck muscles attach at the top center of the chest, and go up to just below the ears. From this angle we'll also see the front of the neck, which also runs from the top center of the chest (between   


Now it's time for some serious action. The Worgen hands are large -- cartoonishly large. We'll have the forearm go right into the hand, instead of having a skinny wrist. Check your anatomy on the forearm muscles. Draw some fur on the outline of the a   


It can be scary to draw hands sometimes when it's not a fist or open palm. This is somewhere in between, and we have different layers of detail. The best reference you can find is literally right in your own hands. Look at your hand and draw what you   


Draw fur on the outer edge of the thighs. Keep the knees chunky and draw large, rounded muscles inside the leg. Check your anatomy. If you don't know all the minor details of leg anatomy, stick to the basic muscle shapes of the quads and hamstrings.    


The large, cartoonish feet are similar to the hands in a way. Three main toes with an extra toe claw on the inside. Draw fur on the top of the foot, and the back ankle joint. From this angle, the overlapping of the toes is important. Large toes can e   


Let's draw a simple background. Rocky ground for him to stand on. A simple mountain range in the distance, and a few clouds. I added a little detail to the eyebrow and ribs, some extra shadow beneath the chest muscles, and a few other details here an   


The finished inks. Nice, bold line art. Dynamic pose. The background is a little cluttered, so I would use suggest using thinner lines on the mountains and clouds if you don't intend to color this.


Here's another copy of the colored image, without the addition of red fur. I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial. It was fun to draw. Post a scan or photo of your drawing when you're finished. Thanks for viewing!

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January 24, 2012

Description: It's been a while since I've uploaded a new tutorial. I'm going to kick things off again with How to Draw a Worgen from World of Warcraft. This is my take on the werewolf-like character, and I hope you guys enjoy it.

#how to draw world of warcraft #how to draw wow

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