How to Draw Ryan Gosling, Ryan Gosling
You can see more features now. Draw in the eyelids, lashes, irises, pupils, nose, mouth ears, jaw and lower chin. Don't forget his neck placement.
Draw in his hairline. There is no need to hurry because I want you to take your time and draw in the fluffy looking hairline. This will give a more realistic look later on. Now you can draw in the shoulder placements.
I did an extra step to show the feathered or fluffy parts of his hair, eyebrows, mustache, facial hair-yes, use dots on his chin & throat areas. Later on this will help with shading and more hair placements. Now you can draw in his jacket and shirt c
As you venture into this step, you'll notice the pencil outline with guidelines look a little different. My marker makes the lines much thicker. So it isn't as detailed as this penciled picture. Don't worry. The next picture will show just the outlin
He is looking HOT, my friend. Your hard work in erasing and balancing his face is paying off. Your picture may not look exactly like this. But it is your piece of creation. If you don't want to do the background, you don't have to. But you may find s
I have heard my sisters and friends say this, "Tracing is cheating! You can't learn anything by tracing." Click on the picture showing a great paper to draw and even trace by (if you want). Also you can achieve great texture by using a bank folder.
You want to know what pencils I use? Here they are along with how their lead appears in the crosshatch, line, and circular shading. They start from light (H) to dark (B).
Click on the picture with my very dark graphite and blending stumps. You can actually shade a little with blending stumps without the graphite (if it's a little dirty with graphite already on it). Try this stuff out. It really goes a long way in crea
Wow! What's that with the arrows? It's TOOLS TO USE! (Don't look at the last picture...too many arrows!) But I needed to show you when and how you can use these tools we tutors always talk about. Does this help any?
From this point I'm going straight through the drawing process. If you'd like to know how I did the highlights, tone, shading, and other stuff, please keep reading through the steps. Here you can sketch in Ryan with straight or circular shading (I us
He's looking more realistic now. I've got a TIP! When you outline his lips or right edge of nose, lightly erase those areas so a hard outline will not appear. Those lines make your picture look like a cartoon. In realism there really aren't hard line
Notice anything at all different (not the background)? His hair isn't as straight. Looking at my reference picture, I tried to mimic the randomness of his hair. So I drew (or crisscrossed) some hair in a different direction & gave a curl or two. I ke
You can add the background shading now. Notice the right side of his face, facing us? You can see those wonderful stray hairs in fine white. Also the scruff on his face has some white highlighted hairs going in different directions. I love those litt
Overhand is great for writing or fine details. Underhand is like rollerblading through walking traffic--it goes fast! Try tonal shading. It's a great exercise.
Here are more exercise in case you want to practice for more realism. Heyyyy, I practice too! *giggle*
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August 20, 2011
Description: I like Ryan Gosling. Intelligent, handsome, a musician, producer, actor in many independent films. But we girls know him in the movie, "Notebook." I can't wait for his first comedic film in "Crazy, Stupid Love." I hope you enjoy this tutorial on him. I got some really great tips to throw at you this time. So come with me and learn "How to Draw Ryan Gosling."