How to Draw Faces in Pencil, Draw Faces With Pencil

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The following steps are the toddler twins. PLEASE TREAT EACH SQUARE AS ONE PICTURE. PICTURE ONE: Draw the outline very lightly. It is important to use your No. 2HB or plain No.2 pencil. Using a hard or very light pencil will cause groves in your pape   


PICTURE ONE: Now sketch in that strange banana or crescent shape. The first curve is for the outside of their heads. The second curve is for their hairline. -----------------------PICTURE TWO: Red Line 1.) Is for their eyebrows. Red Line 2.) Is for t   


PICTURE ONE: Sketch in the twins eyebrow placements, eyes, and ears. -----------------------PICTURE TWO: Draw in their iris, eyes and pupils (don't blacken them in). Sketch each of their nose, mouth, jaw line, and neck/shoulder placement.


PICTURE ONE: Sketch in the remaining tufts of hair, round cheeks, clothes, etc. Keeping your guidelines, this is how the twins might appear. Congratulations, now you can erase them... carefully. Any lines you've missed, you can blend in as shadows if   


PICTURE ONE: You can use light sketchy lines for shading as in the picture of this step or fine circular motions. I used a mechanical pencil 0.5mm (barrel size) and FINE lead (F) Also used a 0.7mm with 2HB lead. -------------------PICTURE TWO: This i   


PICTURE ONE: I added more shading, details, smoothed out smudges with a tissue and rub. You can add the background like in the picture. One thing, to keep your picture clean, have a piece of paper under your hand and over the half of your drawing. Th   


HIGHLIGHTS -- Click on the picture for highlight tips. And follow the red arrows to find highlights on the faces.


DRAWING DIFFERENCES -- There are many differences between men, women, and children. A few are named here to remind us of our uniqueness while drawing.


MODEL HEAD PROPORTIONS -- Click on this chart to see the scale. Children and adults are very different in head sizes. This helps to make your picture more accurate, especially when they are in the same picture.


MODEL PROPORTION -- Notice how the child's torso, arms, and legs are rounded and lose this appearance as they age. If you make the child's face or body to appear more squared and muscular, though short, they will appears as small/little adults. Click   


The following steps are the young man and woman. PLEASE TREAT EACH SQUARE AS ONE PICTURE. PICTURE ONE: Draw in the ovals lightly. It is important to stay with the shape because they are not perfect ovals.-------------------PICTURE TWO: Draw with you    


PICTURE ONE: The first oval has 3 red crescent lines. One represents back of head, 2nd is the back of the ear, 3rd is sideburns and hairline. The woman is back of head and hairline. -------------------PICTURE TWO: Draw in lightly these bowed guidelin   


PICTURE ONE: Sketch in the eyebrows placements, eyes, and ears -------------------PICTURE TWO: Draw in the iris of their eyes and pupil (don't blacken them in). Sketch in the his nose and square chin. Remember to do her nose. Finish sketching mouths    


PICTURE ONE: At this point, you can feather in the eyebrows, fluff their hair, adding hair strands. Give wrinkles in the cloths. This is how your guidelines might look without erasing. The next picture gives an idea of how your picture looks without    


PICTURE ONE: Again use light sketchy lines for shading or fine circular motions. -------------------PICTURE TWO: Fantastic! Look at how the guy and gal are forming into a realistic drawing! Use the tissue paper, blending stump, etc. Currently, it d   


PICTURE ONE: I added more shading, details, smoothed out smudges with a tissue and rub. Add the background like in the picture. -------------------PICTURE TWO: Use acrylic paint to whiten the catch lights in their eyes, highlight areas on hair stran   


REFERENCE PHOTO - To do great faces, you need an excellent photo and pose. This picture is taken with the digital camera at home. Make sure you see on the photo reflections and the white in the subject’s eyes clearly. The photo should be taken with   


FRONT and SIDE VIEW! The face is divided into thirds. From hairline to eyebrows, eyebrows to nose tip, nose tip to chin. FRONT VIEW - The space between the eyes take up one eye. The mouth extends a bit further from the nose, and the outside corners o   


Speaking of good lighting. Here are three common sources of lighting that helps bring out certain effects in a face. DRAMATIC is made by overhead light. This can be in midday sun or strong moonlight. MYSTERIOUS is made when the lighting comes upward    


OVERHAND: Holding a sharpened pencil in normal writing form with fingers in the middle or near the lead gives you great control and thin/detailed strokes. --------------------- UNDERHAND: Holding the pencil at a 45 degrees or near level to the table    


PENCIL STROKES & TONE, SHADING, TEXTURE -- For your convenience, I have inserted this step with different pencils, strokes to use. And you can study the shapes that make up this drawing universe, along with tone, shading, and texture.


So you won't have to wonder where that toning value with other shapes is at. I've got it here for you as well. If you're serious about drawing more realistically. This is ideal. It looks hard and I thought it would be impossible for me to do. But it    


Here is Nick (an actual commission of an ex-coworker) and Jenna Gilbert (character in The Vampire Diaries TV show). Here is a larger view of the picture for more details.


Also we cannot forget about the cute toddler twins (an actual commission). Here is the final product with a closer look. I do apologize for the guidelines being paired off, but I wanted you to see them better. Let me know if this method was suitable.   

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June 14, 2011

Description: Two toddlers, a young man with long lashes, and a lovely lady make up "How to Draw Faces in Pencil." If you have problems drawing children or even adult heads, then this is the tutorial for you. It is a little different this time. I've tried to cram a lot of good stuff to pass on to you. I have bundled two steps into one so I could cover everything. I also took the liberty to use some past artwork so you would not miss out on some important lessons on "How to Draw Faces in Pencil." If you want, you can either draw until you get a desirable outline, or continue to shading which gives a nice effect or venture on to blending with detail. Let me know if my tutorial has benefited you at all, even to take the fear of drawing away. I'd love to hear what you've got to say! Luv 'n Peace!

#how to draw faces #how to draw realistic #draw realistic #draw a face #how to draw real #draw faces #how to pencil draw #how to sketch

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