Before starting your drawing it helps to have an idea of anatomy. Refer to this if you have trouble with joints and structure.
Come back to this reference once you have started shading in fur. The orange lines show the directions that your fur lines should follow.
So, before starting out on your drawing it helps to create a few sketches. I left added some guidelines just in case you want to sketch these particular images. My first two sketches are of an arctic wolf pup and a grey wolf pup.
Next sketches were of another grey wolf pup and a maned wolf pup. I used black ink and calligraphy pens for my sketches but you can use whatever you want. The whole point of sketching is to warm up.
Here are the pencils that I used for this drawing. I like using the HB pencil for sketching and dark lines. The H and 2H work well together when drawing fur. It's up to you to find the pencils that work best for you.
Start out by using an HB pencil to sketch in the pup. You can sketch the guideline in to help you draw the figure. Remember to sketch very lightly just in case you make some mistakes that require erasing. (Click the image to enlarge)
Once you have you pup sketched in lightly shade in the background to make it pop out a bit more. An HB or H pencil will work for this.
Go in with a 2H and shade in the darker patches of fur. Notice that my lines aren't perfected blended but they also aren't completely random. Shade while keeping the direction of the fur in mind.
Now use an H or 2H to start adding the fur from left to right. Refer back to the fur reference picture if you are having trouble. As long as you a making thin, short lines that flow naturally, they will resemble fur.
The fur on the front legs and neck isn't as thick or as long as the rest of the body's fur so it should look smoother. Alternate between H and 2H to give it a sort of patchy look.
Finish up with the head. You may have to use an HB for the darker parts of the face like the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
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January 9, 2017
Description: Here's an intermediate tutorial on how to draw a wolf pup. Make sure you get your drawing utensils prepared for this drawing tutorial!