How to Draw Teen Wolf

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Draw the oval lightly with a No.2 pencil. The frame gives you an idea of how much room this character will take.


Now lightly draw the bisecting line.


The first crescent line is for the back of his hair and ear. The second crescent is for his hairline.


Lightly draw these guidelines to help place the facial features. a.) are for his eyebrows, b.) are for his eyes, c.) is for the bottom of his nose, d.) is for his mouth.


Now you can sketch in the eyebrows and his eyes with pupils.


This strange lower body appearance, looking like a bean bag keeps his torso in perspective. Draw his nose, mouth. Now sketch in the round, curved lines like in the picture. Make sure you don't forget that bottom little hill. It's the placement for be   


This is more detailed. Add in his hair, along with the curls & fluff. Now if you can't see where his shirt starts or stops, look at the introduction picture or the other steps below for reference.


Compare your picture to this one. Your picture might look like this. Make adjustments if he doesn't appear crouched over like this. If you want to add the trees, you can.


This is how your picture might look without the guidelines. If you haven't erased them yet, now is a good time.


Sketch in the shadows and his facial tone. You can use the blunt part of your pencil to cover more areas. Circular or straight lines cover well. The next steps will help with techniques like toning, shading, highlighting, etc.


OVERHAND: Holding your pencil in the normal writing position. It gives you great control and thin/detailed strokes. UNDERHAND: The pencil is at a 45 degrees or near level to the table with end of pencil under your palm. Have pencil on its flat side.    


Print these pictures out for great tone shading practice. Follow the toning value in the filled in shapes.


Click on this picture for tone, shading, texture, and reflective light tips.


For highlight tips, click on this picture! Now that you are more familiar with these techniques, the next steps you can apply them and see where it takes you.


As you blend more, do you see how your picture becomes richer with tone and texture? This is like molding clay. If you find a mistake, erase it, look closer to your reference picture. Then redraw that small area and shade.


We have come to the fun part! Take that white paint and highlight his hair, face, and parts of his shirt. I used scarlet acrylic paint for the blood splotches. I tried to whiten his eyes and apply some yellow. It didn't work. The picture was too smal   


You know, I couldn't leave this picture totally in pencil. You don't have to either. Try giving some blood splatters on Scott and his shirt. Add that extra umph to his eyes and hair. Scary looking, isn't he? Hey, I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. I ho   

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June 17, 2011

Description: MTV has rebooted this 1985 movie, “Teen Wolf.” The title is where it stops. This version has focused on romance, horror, and some juicy action! Problem is, I wanted to watch this soooo much and missed it. If the television can give me a juicy Vampire-Diaries type of storytelling, I'm there! So I am very happy to present you a tutorial on this Scott McCall transitioning back to human. Hmmm... what did he kill? I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Let me know. Fav, comment, or even vote! Thanks everyone!

#draw werewolves

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