How to Draw a Realistic Husky


Alright, start out with basic shapes, basically just distorted ovals and circles. Use a light pencil and sketch lightly.


Sketch in the ears, eyes, nose and mouth while still keeping your lines light.


Define the dog's outline as best as you can. Make the lines as sharp as possible. HB-2B graphite pencils come in very handy here.


Zero in on the face and define the eyes. You can also develop the rest of the features a bit.


Now roughly shade in the darker parts of the dogs fur. Don't worry about getting everything to the right value right now. This will help out immensely with future shading.


Now you can start making your way around the body and shading darkly. Start with the head. It's easier to darken and define your outline then move inward. Pay attention to the texture of the fur. Do not just scribble around hoping for the best.


Finish up the head. Try to emulate the way that have drawn the fur. Not too much detail but just enough to where it looks natural.


Make your way down the front legs. Alternate from a dark pencil to a light one when shading the lighter areas of the legs. An H or HB pencil should do nicely.


Now its time for the midsection. Pay attention to the flow of the fur. Notice how the fur on the back sticks up and the stomach fur flows nearly straight downwards.


Now work on the upper hind legs and tail. These are the areas where you should pay the most attention to how the fur is flowing. Analyze my drawing closely for this step.


Wrap up the drawing by shading in the remainder of the legs and defining the ground. I encourage anyone, regardless of what level you consider yourself of being at, to try this tutorial. You may just surprise yourself with a real jem!


Wrap up the drawing by shading in the remainder of the legs and defining the ground. I encourage anyone, regardless of what level you consider yourself of being at, to try this tutorial. You may just surprise yourself with a real gem of a drawing.!

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June 7, 2011

Description: Here's a tutorial on how to draw one of the most beloved breeds of dog, the Siberian Husky.

#draw realistic animals #how to draw a dog #how to draw a canine #how to draw realistic #draw realistic
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