How to Draw Darth Maul Easy


You will start out by drawing the head guide like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using the guide you just made sketch out the actual shape or structure of Darth Maul's head and face shape.


We will utilize the facial guidelines to draw in the angled eyes. Then draw in the markings that will form the nose. End this step by drawing a straight short mouth line.


Right now we will begin drawing the markings on Darth Maul's face. For now we will draw the pattern that covers around the eyes, and cheeks like you see here. Take your time when drawing the marks on his face because you have to make sure that they c   


Once you have draw in the two small devilish horns, you can proceed on with making the design pattern that marks up his face which will later be colored in using black and red hues.


Add the shapes of the ears, then draw in two spikes the protrude from the sides of his head or temples like so. Again, make more markings on his face.


This step will complete the task for drawing Darth Maul. All you have to do is draw in the small sharp pointed spikes or horns on the forehead, back of head and sides of head. Erase the mistakes and guides before completing this lesson.


Here is the finished drawing when you are done. Now you can have some fun as you color Darth Maul. When the coloring process if complete, you can show off your work to others.

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January 2, 2015

Description: Hey guys, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and I also hope that everyone had an awesome New Year. I will be uploading tuts today on some characters that I thought would make good lessons. Now, these characters have not been requested, but I know that they are popular and not what you would expect to see on Dragoart. I will start with a familiar face from the Star Wars chronicles. Here is a lesson that will show you how to draw Darth Maul easy, step by step. Why did I choose to do this face from Star Wars? Well, I was thinking about some awesome villains besides Darth Vader and Darth Maul came to mind. He is wicked cool looking, is fierce with his saber and has a markings that are pure darkness. Anyways, I do have a really old tut on Darth Maul, but this one is way better and a lot easier to recreate. Have fun and let me know what you think.

#how to draw star wars characters
1 - Super Cool
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