How to Draw Chibi Charmander

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Draw two circles, one for the head, and one for the body. Be sure that they are connected. Add the facial lines and move to step two.


Begin sketching out the shape of chibi Charmander's head like you see here.


Draw out the outline for some more of the body like so, and then draw the big, bold eyes and color them in too. After that is done, you can move to the next, and last drawing step.


It's time to draw out the rest of the body, and then chibi Charmanders arms, legs, and feet. Add the flaming fire at the tip of his tail, and then begin erasing all the lines and shapes you drew in step one.


Here is your chibi Pokemon character when you are done. I know it doesn't look that much different then the regular version of Charmander, but it still came out pretty cute. Color him in and that's it!

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June 18, 2010

Description: Okay, let's think back on all the lessons I have submitted over time that where chibi based. Now take that number and try to figure out how many of those chibis, where of Pokemon characters. I counted three, including this one that I'm about to submit now. Today, I thought it would be cool to upload a lesson that can teach you "how to draw chibi Charmander", step by step. Charmander is one of the more popular Pokemon species, and this is probably due to the fact that he is one of the main characters when the series first started. Along with Pikachu, Charmander, Charizard, Bulbasaur, and a few others have really set the foundation to how Pokemon is today. As far as this tutorial, well, let's just say that I think there is a lot of fans of the well known series, and because of that, I think that a lot of people will like this lesson that teaches you "how to draw chibi Charmander", step by step. This version of Charmander is going to be easy to replicate. I mean, after all it is a chibi. When you are done with this lesson, I would really like for you guys to upload your finished work because as you know, almost every member here likes looking, rating, and commenting on other artists drawings, including me. I will be back tomorrow with more drawing fun. I had fun with you guys today, and I know that you await to see what I will upload next. Peace out ya'll, and make sure you come back tomorrow!

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