How to Draw an Eagle

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Hey everyone, here we will begin this tutorial on drawing an eagle. To start, you will need to make a small circle shape for the head of the bird, and then draw the egg shape for the body. When that is done you can then draw the guidelines for the la   


AS you can see you will start using those guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one which will aid you to sketching out the eagles head and body. You will first need to sketch in the head and beak which looks like a hook at the tip. Next, sketc   


Now that the basic shapes and guides are drawn in for the eagles head and neck, you can start drawing in the face. First sketch in the lining detail that separates the beak from the face like so, and add in a lower beak for the mouth. You will then s   


The further you go the more steps you will pass which means the closer you get to finishing your tutorial on drawing an eagle. This is where you will need to draw out more of the birds belly, and then draw in the feet which are curled back towards th   


It is now time that we begin sketching out the rest of the eagle's body by sketching out the large expanded wings. As you can see you will need to draw the feathers and starting from the tip you can see how large the feathers are drawn in first. The    


Now for the last step, all you have to do is sketch out the flared tail and tail feathers. This is a very easy step, and when you are done all you have to do is start erasing the lines and shapes you drew in step one to clean up your drawing.


Add some extra details to your eagle. For example, feathers, and wing bones. All these details sums up to extreme realism. Look how awesome this eagle looks! Join and submit your own how to draw an eagle tutorial or even your won artwork   

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December 21, 2007

Description: Squawk! This is the eagle chick speaking. Today we will be learning "how to draw a eagle", step by step. This eagle that you will be drawing is the famous Bald Eagle. Everyone knows eagles can grow up five feet tall and with a wingspan of forty feet long. That’s a huge predator! A Bald Eagle can easily catch a baby deer and fly away with it. What power eh?! I love eagles. So today we will draw one. I used my special Photoshop CS program and my Wacom tablet. These tools help me draw these awesome pictures. The water effect was done in Photoshop as well, using the ripple effect. This image took me an hour to finish. I am getting as many tutorials up as possible for your needs. So enjoy this Bald Eagle and I hope it exceeds your drawing needs.

#draw a bird #draw eagles #how to draw eagles
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