How to Draw a Tribal Eagle

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Start the first step on how to draw tribal eagle art, by drawing the guidelines and shapes of the eagle. Almost all the lines are going to have sharp notches and points. Draw two circles for the head and body of the eagle. You will then attach the le   


Next start sketching out the tribal lines for the eagle legs, head, beak, and chest. All these tribal lines look similar to flames. Before you go you must start sketching the tips of the tribal eagles right wing.


You will now start to sketch out more of the detailing tribal design lines on the face, back neck, torso, and front legs and claws.


Here you will start drawing the right wing design and shape like you see here. Once the sharp pointed feathers are drawn you can then draw the tribal lines for the bone as you see here.


Next, sketch out the wing in more detail by adding sharp razor like lines and then sketch out the tail of the tribal eagle. Add some tribal detailing to the chest and then move to the next step.


You will start this step by sketching out the left wing and remember to use razor sharp edges. Add more fullness to the tail and then more detailing to the front legs, chest.


This is your last drawing step and all you have to do is draw the remaining detailing tribal design lines on your tribal eagle wings, back, and tail. Once that is done erase any guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one that are visible.


This is what your line art should look like when you are done. It is now time to get really creative and start coloring in your tribal eagle if you want. That will end this tutorial on how to draw a tribal eagle tattoo design step by step.

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June 5, 2009

Description: This is going to be a wicked cool design on an eagle that I decided to draw because I was feeling a bit creative. A member also requested this design as a tutorial as well so in the end we both win because I really wanted to do this tattoo design and because he/she is getting there request filled. So having said all that I am about to show you “how to draw a tribal eagle", step by step. This "tribal design tattoo" was very complex to create and draw because of the wings and the eagle head needed to be incorporated perfectly. After several hours of sketching I finally got it right and began sketching the tribal tattoo design in more beautiful detail. I mean, the drawing came out looking so freakin cool and I know that you guys will love my creation. I wish I had the drawing live link because I would have loved to have drawn this live for you all because I had such a good time with it. Although it may seem more complex for the novice artist, I would still try and tackle this tutorial if I where you. If you follow the instructions carefully with ease and patience you will be surprised on what you can do. Learning "how to draw tribal designs" is something that takes creativity, time, and a lot of concentration if you want something to look awesome. There is so many different types of animals and objects that you can draw into a “tribal tattoo” or art design. I know for a fact that this eagle tribal design would make one hell of a tattoo on some ones back or arm. I have to go yet again but I shall return with more drawing fun. While you wait for my return I suggest that you see what you can by teaching yourself “how to draw a tribal eagle” step by step. Peace out peeps.

#how to draw tribal art #draw tribal art #draw tribal animals #draw eagles #how to draw eagles #how to draw tribal #how to draw tribal designs #how to draw tribal animals #sketch eagles

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