How to Draw a Tribal Turtle

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Let us begin. Start with making a simple line almost shaped like an unfinished heart.


From the simple line you made in step one, you will begin drawing out the tribal body of your turtle. Try to start from within the body by making a hook curl. From that hook, continue the lining to form the rest of the shell and then draw the arms or   


Finish drawing the turtles front legs or flippers like so, and when you do this be sure to leave gaps within the design.


You will finish this design on a tribal turtle by drawing the back legs in a wispy manner. Erase whatever mistakes you made to clean up the drawing.


Once you have colored in your drawing this is how it should look. Of course you can add more decorative specks if you like, I just wanted to keep things simple.

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March 21, 2014

Description: I'm not going to sit here and make believe that I like the concept creation you see before you now because I think this tribal concept could have came out better. To some this is a cool tut, but to me it's okay. Here is "how to draw a tribal turtle", step by step. Initially I wanted to do something different with making another tribal animal without being so obvious on what the animal was. I guess I wanted people to try and decipher what the image was before anything else. Now that I've told you what my plan was, maybe you can see what I was trying to do. Nonetheless, have fun with drawing a tribal turtle and don't forget to let me know what you think of concept idea.

#how to draw turtles #how to draw tribal animals
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