How to Draw a Peace Heart

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Start by drawing a nice big heart in the center of your paper. The heart shape should take up almost the whole sheet.


Next, draw in the center lining for the heart which makes a nice frame for the heart design like you see here. The inside of the heart should be hollow as you will see later.


Next, draw the center piece which is going to form a peace sign. The design shouldn't be aligned or perfect because this is supposed to be a grungy style peace heart. Clean up the drawing when you are done here because you will be adding solid color    


Color in the entire frame of the heart like so using any color you choose.


Here is the design when you are all done. Now you can color it in, add some decorative additions, or keep it the way you see it.

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April 7, 2012

Description: Here is what I will end Easter day with. A drawing of a heart that is in the shape of a peace symbol. I have always wanted to make something like this but as usual never had the time to do so. I know what you must be thinking "but it looks so easy to draw how could you not have the time?". The answer is simple, I am busy filling requests, and making new and improved updates for Dragoart that will make it easier for folks to use the site. Here is a very cool tutorial on "how to draw a peace heart", step by step. The design concept is pretty cool since all you will really be doing is drawing a heart, with a peace symbol in the center. I had a lot of fun with making this lesson, and I'm sure most of you will enjoy drawing a peace heart too. My Easter so far has been very mild, but I wish it wasn't snowing right now where I live. We are supposed to get snow for four days straight and each one of those days is supposed to have at least three inches, but no more than seven. Yuk, I like having sun and dry ground to walk on. Enjoy the lesson folks.

#how to draw hearts

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