How to Draw a Red Dragon

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Draw a circle for the dragon’s head and the line of position.


(1) Draw the top jaw, you must make this jaw aligned with the bottom jaw (2) Draw the bottom jaw and be sure it’s aligned with the top. You don’t want your dragon to have uneven jaws. Some dragons do though. But that gives you an evil, backbiting   


(1) Draw the triceps of the dragon. Make sure it is muscular so it can hold that big body. (2) Start sketching out the shoulder blade using a small circle. (3) To help you balance the shoulders, draw this line straight. This will make your dragon’s   


(1&2) don’t get confused! These cone shaped pieces of mass are the dragon’s wings biceps. Make them plump at the sides because it will make your dragon’s flight more believable. Remember, when you have everything believable about your image, it   


(1) Draw a small curved line starting from the triceps to the leg. (2) Draw the eyebrow. (3) Then draw the eyeball… (4) Ah, for some excellent perspective, add a hint of the tail curving in back of the rock. I love using this technique!


(1&2) add a pair of hands cupped around the sides of the rock. These will make the dragon look real dominant compared to others. (3&4) also add a pair of elbows to the wings. Wow, its coming along to look like a dragon!


(1) Add some more detail to that eyeball. (2) Start tracing over the jaws to create a proper mouth. (3&4) start tracing the lines over again to create better triceps and biceps. (5&6) Let’s start to draw the thumbs of the wings. These have to be a    


(1&2) Draw wing membrane from the crevice of the biceps and triceps to the wing thumb. This is an awesome wing position! The tip of the wings will overlap the rest of the wings. It’s hard to explain but you’ll see. (3&4) Start drawing the wing fi   


(1&2) draw the pair of hands more detailed with claws. See how these are looking vicious? That’s excellent. (3) Draw the teeth of the jaws. Make them semi sharp. Not too sharp! (4) This curvy shape will be the frills attached to neck. They don’t    


(1&2) thicken those wing fingers. Try and make them bony too. Wing fingers are actually like a stretched human hand! Well think of a bat. Their wing fingers have these bony bumps in the middle of them. (3&4) Start sketching out the membrane between t   


Finally, add additional details to the dragon. This include folds and creases in the wings and tail tip, horns at the top of the tail, lines showing muscle in the body, facial details, and better detail in the neck frills. This dragon looks awesome!    


Erase all those unwanted lines and you’ll end up with this work of line art. I usually trace over my lines with ballpoint pen and then scan it. After that I put it in adobe and sketch it out with my wacom tablet to make the lines sharp and thin. Ho   

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December 8, 2007

Description: Welcome to my wonderful tutorial! Today we will be learning how to draw a red dragon. Did anyone hear of a red dragon? What is it? A red dragon is part of the dragon species. They’re favorite hideout is usually near volcanoes. They don’t live inside of them! Red dragons glide over the volcanoes’ magma to charge up their breath weapon. Everyone knows a red dragon’s breath weapon is fire. My dragon has a special tail tip for flight. This tail tip keeps the dragon on balance. It is a thicker skin membrane like its wings. When a red dragon is angry the tip of the tail will expand. Most red dragons don’t have this tail tip...except for mine. Also as you can see my red dragon has yellow markings on its body. This is pretty decoration I decided to create so the dragon looks fiery. My red dragon is sixteen feet tall and thirty feet wide. His wing span is seventy eight. Those are huge wings! This is because dragons can’t fly with small wings and a big body. Like all dragons, red dragon’s bones are hollow. They’re not strong like a human’s bones. This is because it enables them to fly. Well enjoy my tutorial! Hope it’s helpful.

#dragon drawing tutorial #how to draw dragons #drawing red dragon tutorial #red dragon sketch guide #dragon art techniques #volcano dragon art #fire breath dragon drawing #drawing large winged creatures #dragon tail drawing tips #yellow markings dragon art

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