Then start by drawing an oblong shape which will be his infamous nose. Then start to draw his eye lining.
Next draw the shapes for Tom Cruise's mouth and eyebrows which will take on more form later in this rough sketch. Draw his nostrils and eyeballs. Right now use lines for Tom's eye lids.
Next start drawing the little details like the lines around his mouth and eyes. As you can see it is starting to look more like Tom Cruise with every step.
Now what you do is put some shape in his hair, eyebrows, chin, eyes and you can even add the lines for his teeth. He's coming along nicely.
Let's add some more detail to that forehead. Since Tom is getting older, he must have wrinkles. For instance, lining in his forehead, deeper mouth lines, chin clif, dimples, and wrinkles at the sides of those slanted eyes. Now let's outline his boxy
Wow ^_^ Its starting to look like Tom Cruise! Give him a neck and shirt. You can't have a floating head! Another thing about men, they have visible signs of an adams apple. Add more details to that ear.
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December 9, 2007
Description: This tutorial will show you step by step instructions on how to draw Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is a popular Hollywood actor he was in movies like Mission Impossible, Vanilla Sky, The Outsiders, Risky Business, Interview with the Vampire, and so on. Learning to draw Tom Cruise may seem like it would be hard, but once you follow the easy how to draw instructions, drawing his handsome eyes and his infamous nose will seem like a breeze. In this tutorial you will have fun drawing one of Hollywood’s top actors and remember after your done, submit your tutorial to show off your art work. Let someone learn from you!